Men's Ministry Video Resources


Living A Legacy

Leaving a legacy isn’t an option.  Everyone leaves a legacy.  The question is, what KIND of legacy will you leave?  If you keep doing what you are doing now, if you keep being who you are being now, what will remain of any significance when you leave this earth? 

Everyone leaves a legacy.  Legacy is the aroma left in the nostrils of those we leave behind. Those who God brought within our sphere of influence, long after we are gone.  For some us it will be a stench, for others it will be a pleasant fragrance that recalls who we were and how we lived our lives.

No one really cares what we have to say until the observe how we live.  If we live lives of integrity and honor people will ultimately want to hear what we have to say—even if they disagree with us.  Why?  Because they cannot get past a life well lived.  They can deconstruct our faith.  They can argue with the truth we proclaim.  But they have no argument for a life well lived; a life of consistency, coherence, and congruity.  How shall we then live!

My message to you will lay out four possible legacies you can and will leave.  I will discuss five significant contributions you can make that will matter.  I will conclude with five foundations for finishing well and offer several personal legacy suggestions you can implement that will help you live a legacy worth leaving in the lives of others. 

It is never too late or too early to begin living a legacy that will outlive you and bring glory and honor to God rather than dishonor and shame.

Our True Identity

Three influences attempt to shape our identity in Christ.  They demand we see ourselves in a distorted image far from the heart of God.  They vie for our attention with the primary purpose of corrupting our true identity.  The world, the flesh, and the Enemy press us to seek an identity not our own in an attempt to drive us away from God who supervised our formation in our mother’s womb; who created our inmost being; who set the number of days we would live on the earth; who knew us before we ever came to be (Psalm 139:13-18).  The world wants to attract us to be worldly, the desires of our flesh want to corrupt us, and the Enemy wants our allegiance.  It’s no wonder we have lost our true identity!  We have forgotten who we were created to be!  We have forgotten that when we received Jesus as Savior and Lord, we buried the old man at the foot of the cross and at that moment God gave us back our true selves!

This training session will reacquaint you with your true identity.  It will describe three primary motivations embedded in the heart of every man, five critical truths that will set us on a solid foundation, and ten characteristics that define a man after God’s heart.

I would like to share five deadly lies or myths we as men have swallowed hook, line, and sinker. The observations I am about to share with are based on forty-two years of experience working with men, listening to their stories, and correcting myths with truth from God’s word—for it is the truth that will set us free to be all God intended us to be when He created us…

This message was originally presented to The Mandate at Odyssey Arena in Belfast Ireland…

God is building an army for the battles that are raging now, for the battles that will rage in the future, for the battles leading up to the final decisive battle. God is looking for certain men to man the battle lines - men after His own heart!

God said of David, the second King of Israel, “David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” Psalm 78:72 “I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'“Acts 13:22

Yet David’s life was much like our own …

Highs and lows, victories and defeats, integrity and treachery, honor and dishonor, consistency and inconsistency, Godliness and compromise, happiness and sadness, triumphs and failures, high roads and low roads, mountain tops and valleys, excellence and mediocrity.

So what was there about David that God Himself declared he was a man after His own heart? What does a man after God’s heart look like?

Men's ministry considerations

The following 4 videos describe, explain, and illustrate what it takes to establish or revitalize an effective ministry dedicated to men.  I have worked with men over 40 years and have gleaned insights that have been instrumental in developing and launching vibrant and sustinable church based men's ministries.

MMC  1

This video addresses 6 key questions that should be considered in developing or revitalizing a men's ministry.  Clear answers to these question will provide a good ministry framework.  This video also presents key statistics that establish the need for a men's ministry.


This video highlights Scripture the should inform and condition the development of a men's ministry.  Several helpful principles for building and establishing a God-honoring men's ministry are also presented.

mmc 3

Form follows function.  Videos 1 and 2 addressed the function of men's ministry.  This video describes the form an effective men's ministry must take to accomplish its function.  Structural issues are addressed.


This last video in the series presents 8 key resources that will be instrumental in establishing a vital and sustainable men's ministry.  Each resource will be discussed and unwrapped to reveal the value it has for men's ministry.


The videos that follow will help you become a man after God's heart and will provide the competencies you'll need to become a better man equipped for every good work.  These videos will address the head, the heart, and the hand.  Mastery will lead to spiritual maturity and effectiveness as you engage the opportunities God lays before you.


Getting a grip on the Bible requires intentional interaction including hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating.  Each successive step produces a stronger grasp of the Word resulting in transformational change and spiritual maturity.


Sponges are designed to fill up and wring out. Followers of Christ should fill up with nurturing activities and wring out with service. A rhythm should be developed for both.


Margin - the distance between our load and our limits. How do we establish a cushion between the two? Do you have any margin in your life?  We make time in our lives for the things that matter the most to us.


Budding leaders have characteristics that are often ignored. Unless your antenna is tuned to see them you will probably miss them altogether.  Understanding the characteristics of emerging leaders will help you quickly identify the unrealized potential in others.



Transitional Boundaries

Transitions in life are inevitable. Often catalyzed by a crisis, God uses these boundaries to move us from one phase to another in our development.  Each boundary includes three phase; entry, evaluation, and exit.

Hills to Die On

A focused life is impossible without determining what hills we will die on, what hills we are called to bleed on, and what hills we need not climb at all.  Our hills to die on should be few, our hills to bleed on should be determined by God, and the rest is left to others.

Receiving Versus Accepting

No where in the Bible are we told to 'accept' Christ. Who is accepting whom? We are to 'receive" Him. The first puts us on the throne and the second, Christ on the throne.  Receiving recognizes the Giver.

Skeptic Versus Cynic

Two types of people are encountered in life; a skeptic or a cynic. Evangelizing each requires a separate approach.  Answer questions of a skeptic and questions the answers of a cynic.